Single- 1 Doe 8/12/24
Cottonwood Croft Turmeric X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
S1- Doe Polled SOLD
Single- 1 Doe 8/13/24
Cottonwood Croft Artemis X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
S2- Doe SOLD
Single- 1 Doe 8/15/24
Cottonwood Ranch Sunspot X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
S3- Doe Not For Sale
Single- 1 Doe 8/15/24
Cottonwood Croft Waffles X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
S4- Doe SOLD She left for her new home before I got a good picture.
Single- 1 Doe 8/16/24
Cottonwood Croft Bluebell X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
S5- Doe Not For Sale
Twins- 1 Doe and 1 Buck 8/17/24
Cottonwood Croft Ironheart X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
Single- 1 Buck 8/18/24
Cottonwood Croft Jellybean X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
S8- Buck SOLD
Twins- 1 Doe and 1 Buck 8/18/24
Cottonwood Croft Twist X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
Single- 1 Buck 8/18/24
Cottonwood Croft TootsieRoll X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
S11- Buck SOLD
Single- 1 Buck 8/19/24
Cottonwood Croft Saffron X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
S12- Buck SOLD
Single- 1 Doe 8/19/24
Cottonwood Croft Jitterbug X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
S13- Doe SOLD She left for her new home before I got a good picture.
Twins- 1 Doe and 1 Buck 8/20/24
Cottonwood Croft Spruce X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
Twins- 1 Doe and 1 Buck 8/20/24
Cottonwood Croft Tango X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
S16- Doe SOLD She left for her new home before I got a good picture.
S17- Buck SOLD He left for his new home before I got a good picture.
Twins- 2 Does 8/22/24
CottonwoodCroft AgentCarter X CastleRock WhiteAspen*B
Twins- 2 Does 8/23/24
Cottonwood Croft Neptune X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
Single- 1 Doe 8/23/24
Cottonwood Croft Arrow X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
S22- Doe SOLD
Twins- 2 Bucks 8/24/24
Cottonwood Croft Foxtrot X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
Twins- 2 Bucks 8/24/24
Cottonwood Croft Jive X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
Twins- 1 Buck and 1 Doe 8/26/24
Cottonwood Croft Mosaic X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
Triplets- 3 Does 9/2/24
CottonwoodCroftHeartbreaker X CastleRockWhite Aspen*B
Single- 1 Doe 9/5/24
CottonwoodCroft Willthe WispX CastleRockWhite Aspen*B
S32- Doe SOLD She left for her new home before I got a good picture.