Quads- 3 does 1 buck Born 1/9/16
Cottonwood Croft CC Comet X The Genesis Herd
Triplets- 2 does 1 buck Born 1/14/16
AuraGoodMorningSunshine XPecanGroveCowboyCasanova
Triplets- 1 doe 2 bucks Born 1/14/16
Single- 1 doe Born 1/21/16
Strong Oak Natasha Moon X Diji Farm MT Iron Man
H11- Doe Polled Moonspots NFS
Twins- 1 doe and 1 buck Born 1/21/16
Cottonwood Croft TM Marvel X The Genesis Herd
Triplets- 3 bucks Born 1/22/16
VVR ALM More Cats X Diji Farm MT Iron Man
Twins- 1 doe and 1 buck Born 2/3/16CottonwoodCroftTotalEclipseXPecanGroveCowboyCasanova
Quads- 2 does and 2 bucks Born 2/9/16
Aura TW Haley's Comet X Pecan Grove Cowboy Casanova
Twins- 1 doe and 1 buck Born 2/18/16
CottonwoodCroft BlownAway X CottonwoodCroft Merlin
Triplets- 2 does and 1 buck Born 2/20/16
Urban Acres Starry Night X Diji Farm MT Iron Man
Triplets- 2 does and 1 buck Born 2/23/16
Cottonwood Croft HA Mouse X Diji Farm MT Iron Man
Twins- 1 doe and 1 buck Born 3/4/16
VVR AFU Red Hots X Pecan Grove Cowboy Casanova
Twins- 1 doe and 1 buck Born 3/4/16
Cottonwood Croft Foxtrot X Diji Farm MT Iron Man
Quads- 1 doe and 3 bucks Born 3/10/16
Mariah Country Neon Moon X Cottonwood Croft Arthur
Twins- 2 bucks Born 3/15/16
CottonwoodCroft AmericanHoney X DijiFarmMT IronMan
Single- 1 buck Born 3/16/16
Cottonwood Croft HA Angel X Cottonwood Croft Arthur
H41- Buck Polled $400 SOLD
Quads- 2 does and 2 bucks Born 3/16/16
Cottonwood Croft CC Nova X Diji Farm MT Iron Man
Twins- 1 doe and 1 buck Born 3/16/16
CottonwoodCroft TT LoveStory X Cottonwood Croft Arthur
Quads- 3 does and 1 buck Born 3/17/16
CottonwoodCroft CC Wildflower X CottonwoodCroftArthur
Twins- 1 doe and 1 buck Born 3/19/16
CottonwoodCroft CC Sprinkles X Diji Farm MT IronMan
Single- 1 doe Born 3/20/16
VVR CRM Spotted Mustang X Diji Farm MT Iron Man
H55- Doe Polled Moonspots NFS
Twins- 2 does Born 3/22/16
VVR ALM Golden X Diji Farm MT Iron Man
Triplets- 3 bucks Born 3/22/16
Cottonwood Croft Pancakes X Cottonwood Croft Arthur
Twins- 2 bucks Born 3/25/16
SDK BOH GingerRogers X PecanGrove CowboyCasanova
Twins- 2 does Born 3/25/16
VVR FH Cat House X Pecan Grove Cowboy Casanova
Twins- 1 doe and 1 buck Born 3/26/16
VVR ALM Brumby X Diji Farm MT Iron Man
Triplets- 2 does and 1 buck Born 3/28/16
Que SeraSera BrightEyes X PecanGroveCowboyCasanova
Single- 1 buck Born 6/21/16 F4 Mini Nubian
Irm's Girl Sofia X Vicarious Ranch Sir Ulrich
H70- Buck Moonspots NFS
Single- 1 doe Born 6/22/16 F1 Mini Nubian
Shamrock X SirUlrich
H71- Doe $300 SOLD