The nursery page will be updated as time permits, unfortunately this is the page that takes the most time and work to upload. All of the goat kids that are available for sale will be listed on our for sale page. So for quickest check of goat kid availability please go to the for sale page!
Quads- 3 Bucks and 1 Doe 6/12/22
Cottonwood Croft Rogue X JoieDeVivreDRTMendocino*B
Quads- 1 Buck and 3 Does 6/12/22
Cottonwood Croft Neptune X Prairie Wood Titanium
Triplets- 1 Buck and 2 Does 6/12/22
Cottonwood Croft Marvel X JoieDeVivreDRTMendocino*B
Twins- 1 Buck and 1 Doe 6/13/22
Cottonwood Croft Artemis X Cottonwood Croft Blue Steel
Triplets- 1 Buck and 2 Does 6/13/22
Cottonwood Croft Twist X JoieDeVivreDRTMendocino*B
Quads- 1 Buck and 3 Does 6/14/22
CottonwoodCroftOutlaw X CottonwoodCroftJimmyRaynor
P17- Buck
P18- Doe Polled, Moonspots Sold She left for his new home before I got a good picture of her.
P19- Doe Polled, Moonspots Sold She left for his new home before I got a good picture of her.
P20- Doe Sold She left for his new home before I got a good picture of her.
Single- 1 Buck 6/14/22
Cottonwood Croft Serena X Prairie Wood Titanium
P21- Buck Blue Eyes
Quads- 2 Bucks and 2 Does 6/14/22
CottonwoodCroftCarter X Cottonwood Croft Jokers Wild
Twins- 2 Bucks 6/14/22
CottonwoodCroftEnigma X CottonwoodCroftObiWanKenobi
Single- 1 Buck 6/17/22
Cottonwood Croft Mouse X CottonwoodCroftJimmyRaynor
P28- Buck Sold He left for his new home before I got a good picture of him.
Twins- 1 Buck and 1 Doe 6/18/22
CottonwoodCroft Jellybean X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
Single- 1 Buck 6/18/22
Prairie Wood Zinc X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
P31- Buck Blue Eyes $
Triplets- 1 Buck and 2 Does 6/19/22
Cottonwood Croft Jive X Cottonwood Croft Jokers Wild
Twins- 2 Bucks 6/19/22
Prairie Wood Cassiopeia X Cottonwood Croft Jokers Wild
Single- 1 Doe 6/19/22
CottonwoodCroftMystery X CottonwoodCroftJimmyRaynor
P37- Doe Moonspots Sold
Twins- 1 Buck and 1 Doe 6/19/22
Cottonwood Croft Sproket X Prairie Wood Titanium
Triplets- 1 Buck and 2 Does 6/19/22
Cottonwood Croft Salsa X The Genesis Herd
Triplets- 2 Bucks and 1 Doe 6/20/22
Cottonwood Croft Foxtrot X CottonwoodCroftJimmyRaynor
Twins- 2 Does 6/20/22
Cottonwood Croft Samba X The Genesis Herd
Triplets- 3 Bucks 6/20/22
Cottonwood Croft Sage X Cottonwood Croft Jimmy Raynor
Twins- 2 Bucks 6/20/22
Taylor Made T Bristol X Cottonwood Croft Jimmy Raynor
Triplets- 1 Buck and 2 Does 6/21/22
Cottonwood Croft Blink X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
Twins- 1 Buck and 1 Doe 6/21/22
Prairie Wood Splash X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
Triplets- 1 Buck and 2 Does 6/21/22
CottonwoodCroftHeartbreaker X JoieDeVivreMendocino*B
Single- 1 Buck 6/22/22
CottonwoodCroftLeopard X CottonwoodCroftObiWanKenobi
P61- Buck Moonspots
Quads- 3 Bucks and 1 Doe 6/22/22
Cottonwood Croft Tango X The Genesis Herd
Single- 1 Buck 6/22/22
Cottonwood Croft Gummy Bear X Cottonwood Croft Arthur
P66- Buck Moonspots
Single- 1 Doe 6/25/22
CottonwoodCroftGingerSnap X CottonwoodCroftJokerWild
P67- Doe Polled Moonspots
Triplets- 3 Bucks 6/25/22
Cottonwood Croft Skittles X Prairie Wood Titanium
Single- 1 Doe 6/26/22
CottonwoodCroftLoveStory X CottonwoodCroftJimmyRayn
P71- Doe Moonspots
Single- 1 Doe 6/26/22
CottonwoodCroft Indian Outlaw X Cottonwood Croft Arthur
P72- Doe Polled Moonspots
Single- 1 Doe 6/26/22
Caprinos SF Natasha X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
P73- Doe
Twins- 2 Does 6/26/22
CottonwoodCroftAmericanHoney X CottonwoodCroftArthur
Twins- 1 Buck and 1 Doe 6/27/22
Cottonwood Croft Nova X Cottonwood Croft ObiWanKenobi
Triplets- 1 Buck and 2 Does 6/27/22
Cottonwood Croft Jupiter X Cottonwood Croft Arthur
Twins- 2 Bucks 6/28/22
Cottonwood CroftSolarFlare X Cottonwood CroftJokersWild
Triplets- 1 Buck and 2 Does 6/28/22
CottonwoodCroftJitterbug X CottonwoodCroftObiWanKeno
P83- Doe Polled Wattles
P84- Doe Polled
Single- 1 Doe 6/29/22
Cottonwood Croft Waffles X JoieDeVivreMendocino*B
P86- Doe Polled Moonspots
Single- 1 Buck 6/29/22
Prairie Wood Pewter X Cottonwood Croft Arthur
P87- Buck Moonspots
Triplets- 3 Does 7/2/22
CottonwoodRanchSunspot X CottonwoodCroftObiWanKeno
Single- 1 Buck 7/2/22
UrbanAcresStarryNight X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
P91- Buck
Single- 1 Buck 7/2/22
CottonwoodCroftLuna X Castle Rock White Aspen*B
P92- Buck
Twins- 2 Does 7/2/22
Cottonwood Croft Snickers X Prairie Wood Titanium
Twins- 1 Buck and 1 Doe 7/3/22
Aura Blue Periwinkle X Cottonwood Croft Jokers Wild
Twins- 2 Does 7/4/22
Cottonwood Croft Angel X Cottonwood Croft Blue Steel
Twins- 2 Does 7/5/22
VVR ALM More Cats X Cottonwood Croft Arthur
Single- 1 Buck 7/6/22
CottonwoodCroftWillotheWisp X JoieDeVivreMendocino*B
P101- Buck Blue Eyes Moonspots
Single- 1 Buck 7/6/22
StrongOakNatashaMoon X CottonwoodCroftObiWanKenob
P102- Buck Polled Moonspots
Twins- 1 Buck and 1 Doe 7/24/22
Prairie Wood Platinum X Cottonwood Croft Arthur
Single- 1 Buck 7/25/22
CottonwoodCroftGreenArrow X CottonwoodCroftBlueSteel
P105- Buck Polled
Single- 1 Doe 7/25/22
Cottonwood Croft Appaloosa X The Genesis Herd
P106- Doe Polled
Triplets- 2 Bucks and 1 Doe 7/26/22
Taylor Made Penelope X Cottonwood Croft Blue Steel
Twins- 2 Bucks 8/11/22
CottonwoodCroftHappysEcho X JoieDeVivreMendocino*B
P110- Buck Moonspots Sold He left for his new home before I got a good picture of him.
P111- Buck Sold He left for his new home before I got a good picture of him.
Single- 1 Doe 8/14/22
VVR AFU Red Hots X Cottonwood Croft Arthur
P112- Doe Sold She left for his new home before I got a good picture of her.
Single- 1 Doe 8/16/22
Cottonwood Croft Turmeric X Prairie Wood Titanium
P113- Doe Blue Eyes Moonspots Sold She left for his new home before I got a good picture of her.