Quints- 2 Bucks 3 Does 1/10/18
Cottonwood Croft Marvel X Cottonwood Croft Starlord
Quads- 3 Bucks 1 Doe 1/12/18
VVR ALM More Cats X Cottonwood Croft Arthur
Twins- 1 Buck 1 Doe 1/12/18
Cottonwood Croft Paprika X Cottonwood Croft Starlord
Triplets- 2 Bucks 1 Doe 1/12/18
Caprinos SF Natasha X Cottonwood Croft ObiWanKenobi
Triplets- 2 Bucks 1 Doe(doa) 1/12/18
CottonwoodCroftBlownAway X CottonwoodCroftStarlord
Twins- 2 Bucks 1/13/18
Cottonwood Croft Mouse X PecanGroveCowboyCasanova
Twins- 1 Buck 1 Doe 1/13/18
Cottonwood Croft Luna X The Genesis Herd
Triplets- 3 Bucks 1/13/18
Cottonwood Croft Outlaw X Cottonwood Croft Blue Steel
Triplets- 2 Bucks 1 Doe 1/14/18
CottonwoodCroftFoxtrot X CottonwoodCroftJimmyRaynor
Twins- 1 Buck 1 Doe 1/14/18
Cottonwood Croft Sage X CottonwoodCroftJimmyRaynor
Triplets- 2 Bucks 1 Doe 1/14/18
Cottonwood Croft Nimue X Cottonwood Croft Starlord
Twins- 1 Buck 1 Doe 1/14/18
Aura TW Haley's Comet X Pecan Grove Cowboy Casanova
Twins- 1 Buck 1 Doe 1/14/18
StrongOakNatashaMoon X CottonwoodCroftObiWanKeno
Triplets- 1 Buck 2 Does 1/14/18
CottonwoodCroftTheFlash X CottonwoodCroftJimmyRayno
Twins- 2 Bucks 1/15/18
CottonwoodCroftWilloWisp X CottonwoodCroftObiWanKen
Triplets- 3 Does 1/15/18
SDK BOH Ginger Rogers X Cottonwood Croft Arthur
Quads- 2 Bucks 2 Does(1 doe doa) 1/15/18
Cottonwood Croft Nova X Cottonwood Croft Blue Steel
Triplets- 2 Bucks 1 Doe 1/15/18
AuraGoodMorningSunshine X CottonwoodCroftObiWan
Triplets- 1 Buck 2 Does 1/15/18
CottonwoodCroftPepperPotts X CottonwoodCroftObiWan
Twins- 2 Does 1/16/18
Cottonwood Croft AgentCarter X CottonwoodCroftArthur
Twins- 2 Bucks(I doa) 1/16/18
VVR AFU Red Hots X Pecan Grove Cowboy Casanova
K57- Buck $375 SOLD
Twins- 1 Buck 1 Doe 1/16/18
Cottonwood Croft Sprite X Cottonwood Croft Arthur
Triplets- 1 Buck 2 Does 1/16/18
Cottonwood Croft Samba X Cottonwood Croft Starlord
Twins- 2 Bucks 1/16/18
Cottonwood Croft Storm X CottonwoodCroftObiWanKeno
Twins- 2 Bucks 1/16/18
VVR CRM SpottedMustang X CottonwoodCroftObiWan
Single- 1 Doe 1/17/18
Cottonwood Croft Stars Tonight X Diji Farm MT Iron Man
K68- Doe Polled $475 SOLD
Twins- 2 Does 1/18/18
Cottonwood Croft CC Spice X The Genesis Herd
Triplets- 3 Does 1/18/18
CottonwoodCroft Wildflower X CottonwoodCroftBlueSteel
Twins- 1 buck 1 doe 1/18/18
Cottonwood Croft Vision X Cottonwood Croft Blue Steel
K74- Doe $400 SOLD She left for her new home before I got a picture of her.
K75- Buck $350 SOLD He left for his new home before I got a picture of him.
Triplets- 3 Bucks 1/18/18
Cottonwood Croft Rogue X Cottonwood Croft Starlord
Triplets- 1 Buck 2 Does(1 doe doa) 1/19/18
Cottonwood Croft CC Comet X Cottonwood Croft Starlord
Twins- 2 Bucks 1/19/18
Cottonwood Croft Angel X Pecan Grove Cowboy Casanova
Single- 1 Doe 1/20/18
Mariah Country Neon Moon X Cottonwood Croft Arthur
K84- Doe Blue Eyes Moonspots $475 SOLD
Twins- 1 Buck 1 Doe 1/20/18
MariahCountryIndianSummer X PecanGroveCowboyCasan
Triplets- 3 Does 1/21/18
Cottonwood Croft CC Nutmeg X The Genesis Herd
Twins- 1 Buck 1 Doe 1/21/18
Cottonwood Croft Appaloosa X The Genesis Herd
Triplets- 3 Does 1/21/18
CottonwoodCroftMarySong X CottonwoodCroftJimmyRay
Twins- 2 Bucks(I doa) 1/22/18
CottonwoodCroftTotalEclipse X CottonwoodCroftJimmyRa
K95- Buck $400 SOLD
Twins- 1 Buck 1 Doe 1/22/18
Cottonwoood Croft Tinker X Diji Farm MT Iron Man
Twins- 2 Does 1/22/18
CottonwoodCroftAmerican Honey X DijiFarmMT IronMan
Triplets- 3 Bucks 1/23/18
HIRNVTwoThreeChaChaCha X CottonwoodCroftBlueSteel
K101- Buck $450 SOLD
Triplets- 2 Bucks 1 Doe 1/25/18
CottonwoodCroftPancakes X CottonwoodCroftObiWanKen
Single- 1 Bucks 1/25/18
SunriseFarmBahamaMama X CottonwoodCroftBlueSteel
K107- Buck Blue Eyes $400 SOLD
Triplets- 3 Bucks 1/25/18
CottonwoodCroftCowgirl X CottonwoodCroftObiWanKeno
Twins- 2 Does 1/30/18
Cottonwood Croft Blink X Cottonwood Croft Starlord
Twins- 2 Does 1/30/18
QueSeraSeraBrightEyes X PecanGroveCowboyCasanova
Single- 1 Buck 2/2/18
Cottonwood Croft CC Sugar X The Genesis Herd
K115- Buck Blue Eyes $475 SOLD
Single- 1 Doe 3/9/18
UrbanAcresStarryNight X CottonwoodCroftObiWanKenob
K118- Doe Polled $525 SOLD
Single- 1 Doe 3/17/18
Cottonwood Croft Pixels X Cottonwood Croft Starlord
K119- Doe Polled Moonspots $475 SOLD
Twins- 1 Buck 1 Doe 6/6/18
CottonwoodCroftMysterySpot X CottonwoodCroftObiWan
Twins- 1 Buck 1 Doe 6/18/18
CottonwoodCroftSolarFlare X CottonwoodCroftObiWan
Single- 1 Buck 7/2/18
Cottonwood Croft Vision X Cottonwood Croft Blue Steel
K124- Buck Polled $475 SOLD