Wilsons Gina(Smokies) X Tonganui(Luther) 4/2/22 Litter of six = 5 Gilts and 1 Boar Four of them have double wattles.
Aria Giana(Sprouts) X Andrew(Fergus) 3/26/22 Litter of two = 2 Gilts Both have double wattles.
Tarutaru(Ollie) X Mahia Love(Dain) 3/10/22 Litter of two = 2 Gilts They don't have wattles.
Aria Giana(Maple) X Ru(Raincross) 2/27/22 Litter of four = 1 Gilt and 3 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Tapeka(Ivory) X Ru(Raincross) 2/22/22 Litter of three = 3 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Haunene(Thistle) X Whakanui(Spratt) 2/17/22 Litter of two = 1 Gilt and 1 Boar One of them has double wattles.
Sally(Arctic) X Tonganui(Luther) 1/28/22 Litter of seven = 4 Gilts and 3 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Aria Giana(Ivy) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 1/13/22 Litter of five = 3 Gilts and 2 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Rona(Vidia) X Andrew(Fergus) 1/11/22 Litter of nine = 6 Gilts and 3 Boars Four of them have double wattles.
Tapeka(Kiwi) X Andrew(Fergus) 1/10/22 Litter of five = 3 Gilts and 2 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Rebecca Gina(Victorian Lace) X Ru(Raincross) 1/8/22 Litter of six = 3 Gilts and 3 Boars Five of them have double wattles.
Tarutaru(Speck) X Tutaki(Wallace) 1/6/22 Litter of nine = 5 Gilts and 4 Boars Eight of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Nani) X Ru(Raincross) 1/4/22 Litter of four = 3 Gilts and 1 Boar Three of them have double wattles.
Rona(Kumquat) X Tutaki(Wallace) 1/4/22 Litter of eleven = 5 Gilts and 6 Boars Three of them have double wattles.
Bh Rebecca Gina(Freya) X Tonganui(Luther) 12/30/21 Litter of three = 3 Gilts All of them have double wattles.
Jenny(Lulu) X Whakanui(Spratt) 12/28/21 Litter of eight = 3 Gilts and 5 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Kielbasa) X Whakanui(Spratt) 12/28/21 Litter of six = 4 Gilts and 2 Boars Three of them have double wattles.
Jenny(Floppy Ears) X Tonganui(Luther) 12/9/21 Litter of nine = 5 Gilts and 4 Boars All of them are double wattled.
Jenny(Rocky) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 10/28/21 Litter of six = 2 Gilts and 4 Boars Five of them have double wattles.
Haunene(Bracken) X Andrew(Fergus) 10/4/21 Litter of five = 1 Gilt and 4 Boars All of them are double wattled.
Tarutaru(Spot) X Tuahuru(Tucker) 10/3/21 Litter of nine = 4 Gilts and 5 Boars Five of them have double wattles.
Haunene(Bramble) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 9/26/21 Litter of seven = 5 Gilts and 2 Boars Five of them have double wattles.
Tapeka(Ebony) X Tutaki(Wallace) 9/22/21 Litter of eight = 3 Gilts and 5 Boars Seven of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Licorice) X Ru(Raincross) 8/31/21 Litter of five = 3 Gilts and 2 Boars Four of them have double wattles.
Tapeka(Ivory) X Ru(Raincross) 8/28/21 Litter of three = 2 Gilts and 1 Boar Two of them have double wattles.
Haunene(Chips) X Tonganui(Luther) 8/6/21 Litter of twelve = 9 Gilts and 3 Boars Eight of them have double wattles.
Rona(Vidia) X Andrew(Fergus) 7/17/21 Litter of eight = 6 Gilts and 2 Boars Six of them have double wattles.
Haunene(Thistle) X Whakanui(Spratt) 7/7/21 Litter of four = 2 Gilts and 2 Boars Three of them have double wattles.
Tarutaru(Ollie) X Mahia Love(Dain) 7/7/21 Litter of seven = 2 Gilts and 5 Boars Three of them have double wattles.
Rebecca Gina(Victorian Lace) X Ru(Raincross) 7/6/21 Litter of five = 3 Gilts and 2 Boars Four of them have double wattles.
Tapeka(Kiwi) X Andrew(Fergus) 7/4/21 Litter of eight = 5 Gilts and 3 Boars Five of them have double wattles.
Rona(Kumquat) X Tonganui(Luther) 6/25/21 Litter of seven = 4 Gilts and 3 Boars Two of them have double wattles.
Sally(Arctic) X Ru(Raincross) 6/20/21 Litter of seven = 3 Gilts and 4 Boars All of them are double wattled.
Aria Giana(Maple) X Tonganui(Luther) 6/16/21 Litter of seven = 3 Gilts and 4 Boars All of them are double wattled.
Tarutaru(Speck) X Tonganui(Luther) 6/16/21 Litter of seven = 6 Gilts and 1 Boar Three of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Smokies) X Mahia Love(Dain) 6/9/21 Litter of seven = 3 Gilts and 4 Boars Six of them have double wattles.
Bh Rebecca Gina(Freya) X Tuahuru(Tucker) 6/9/21 Litter of four = 4 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Nani) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 6/9/21 Litter of six = 3 Gilts and 3 Boars Three of them have double wattles.
Trish(Tiki) X Tonganui(Luther) 4/28/21 Litter of six = 2 Gilts and 4 Boars Four of them have double wattles.
Jenny(Rocky) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 4/23/21 Litter of six = 3 Gilts and 3 Boars Five of them have double wattles.
Tarutaru(Spot) X Andrew(Fergus) 4/4/21 Litter of five = 1 Gilt and 4 Boars None of them have wattles.
Haunene(Bramble) X Andrew(Fergus) 3/25/21 Litter of eight = 2 Gilts and 6 Boars Four of them have double wattles.
Aria Giana(Ivy) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 3/23/21 Litter of seven = 3 Gilts and 4 Boars Six of them have double wattles.
Tapeka(Ebony) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 3/18/21 Litter of eight = 2 Gilts and 6 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Haunene(Bracken) X Andrew(Fergus) 3/6/21 Litter of five = 3 Gilts and 2 Boars Four of them have double wattles.
Aria Giana(Sprouts) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 3/6/21 Litter of seven = 2 Gilts and 5 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Licorice) X Tonganui(Luther) 3/5/21 Litter of five = 2 Gilts and 3 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Tapeka(Ivory) X Tonganui(Luther) 2/25/21 Litter of six = 3 Gilts and 3 Boars Five of them have double wattles.
Jenny(Floppy Ears) X Tonganui(Luther) 2/9/21 Litter of eight = 4 Gilts and 4 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Kielbasa) X Whakanui(Spratt) 2/7/21 Litter of eight = 3 Gilts and 5 boars Six of them have double wattles.
Tarutaru(Domino) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 2/3/21 Litter of six = 5 Gilts and 1 Boar All of them have double wattles.
Rona(Vidia) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 1/30/21 Litter of seven = 1 Gilt and 6 Boars Five of them have double wattles.
Haunene(Chips) X Tonganui(Luther) 1/28/21 Litter of eight = 4 Gilts and 4 Boars Three of them have double wattles.
Rona(Kumquat) X Whakanui(Spratt) 1/1/21 Litter of nine = 2 Gilts and 7 Boars Five of them have double wattles.
Jenny(Lulu) X Whakanui(Spratt) 12/30/20 Litter of eight = 1 Gilt and 7 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Tapeka(Kiwi) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 12/21/20 Litter of four = 2 Gilts and 2 Boars Two of them have double wattles.
Tarutaru(Ollie) X Mahia Love(Dain) 12/16/20 Litter of six = 3 Gilts and 3 Boars Two of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Smokies) X Mahia Love(Dain) 12/13/20 Litter of eight = 4 Gilts and 4 Boars Five of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Nani) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 12/4/20 Litter of four = 3 Gilts and 1 Boar All of them have double wattles.
Jenny(Rocky) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 10/5/20 Litter of eleven = 5 Gilts and 6 Boars Ten of them have double wattles.
Tapeka(Ebony) X Tonganui(Luther) 9/15/20 Litter of four = 3 Gilts and 1 Boar All of them have double wattles.
Tarutaru(Spot) X Tonganui(Luther) 9/15/20 Litter of seven = 2 Gilts and 5 Boars Five of them have double wattles.
Aria Giana(Ivy) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 8/14/20 Litter of six = 2 Gilts and 4 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Jenny(Floppy Ears) X Tonganui(Luther) 8/14/20 Litter of six = 4 Gilts and 2 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Tapeka(Ivory) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 8/13/20 Litter of two = 2 Boars One of them has double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Kielbasa) X Tonganui(Luther) 8/9/20 Litter of seven = 1 Gilt and 6 Boars Three of them have double wattles.
Haunene(Chips) X Tonganui(Luther) 7/27/20 Litter of eight = 4 Gilts and 4 Boars Six of them have double wattles.
Rona(Vidia) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 7/27/20 Litter of nine = 6 Gilts and 3 Boars Seven of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Licorice) X Tonganui(Luther) 7/26/20 Litter of seven = 4 Gilts and 3 Boars Five of them have double wattles.
Trish(Tiki) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 7/26/20 Litter of seven = 3 Gilts and 4 Boars Three of them have double wattles.
Tapeka(Ducky) X Mahia Love(Dain) 6/23/20 Litter of four = 2 Gilts and 2 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Haunene(Thistle) X Whakanui(Spratt) 6/7/20 Litter of thirteen = 7 Gilts and 6 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Tarutaru(Ollie) X Whakanui(Spratt) 6/4/20 Litter of six piglets = 1 Gilt and 5 Boars Two of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Smokies) X Mahia Love(Dain) 6/3/20 Litter of seven piglets = 2 Gilts and 5 Boars Five of them have double wattles.
Rona(Kumquat) X Whakanui(Spratt) 6/1/20 Litter of eight piglets = 5 Gilts and 3 Boars Seven of them have double wattles.
Tapeka(Kiwi) X Tonganui(Luther) 5/29/20 Litter of eight piglets = 4 Gilts and 4 Boars Six of them have double wattles.
Tarutaru(Speck) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 5/28/20 Litter of eight piglets = 4 Gilts and 4 Boars Seven of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Nani) X Tonganui(Luther) 5/14/20 Litter of six piglets = 1 Gilt and 5 Boars Two of them have double wattles.
Tarutaru(Domino) X Luther(Tonganui) 4/15/20 Litter of six piglets = 2 Gilts and 4 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Jenny(Rocky) X Tuahuru(Dwalin) 4/1/20 Litter of nine piglets = 3 Gilts and 6 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Aria Giana(Sprouts) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 3/17/20 Litter of eight piglets = 3 Gilts and 5 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Tarutaru(Spot) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 3/15/20 Litter of three piglets = 3 Gilts Two of them have double wattles.
Tapeka(Ebony) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 3/13/20 Litter of four piglets = 4 Gilts All of them have double wattles.
Tapeka(Ivory) X Bh Tutaki(Dumbo) 3/12/20 Litter of two piglets = 2 Boars One of them has double wattles.
Jenny(Lulu) X Mahia Love(Dain) 2/23/20 Litter of seven piglets = 2 Gilts and 5 Boars Two of them have double wattles.
Aria Giana(Ivy) X Whakanui(Spratt) 2/6/20 Litter of nine piglets = 4 Gilts and 5 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Rona(Vidia) X Tonganui(Luther) 2/1/20 Litter of seven piglets = 4 Gilts and 3 Boars Four of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Kielbasa) X Tonganui(Luther) 1/31/20 Litter of seven piglets = 7 Gilts Five of them have double wattles.
Jenny(Floppy Ears) X Tonganui(Luther) 1/28/20 Litter of seven piglets = 6 Gilts and 1 Boar All of them have double wattles.
Trish(Tiki) X Tuahuru(Dwalin) 1/9/20 Litter of two piglets = 1 Gilt and 1 Boar Both have double wattles.
Haunene(Thistle) X Whakanui(Spratt) 11/22/19 Litter of eight piglets = 5 Gilts and 3 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Tarutaru(Ollie) X Whakanui(Spratt) 11/20/19 Litter of five piglets = 4 Gilts and 1 Boar Three of them have double wattles.
Rona(Kumquat) X Whakanui(Spratt) 11/19/19 Litter of seven = 5 Gilts and 2 Boars Three of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Smokies) X Mahia Love(Dain) 11/1/2019 Litter of five = 4 Gilts and 1 Boar Four of them have double wattles.
Jenny(Rocky) X Tuahuru(Dwalin) 9/26/19 Litter of nine = 5 Gilts and 4 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Tapeka(Kiwi) X Whakanui(Spratt) 7/30/19 Litter of two = 2 Boars One has double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Nani) X Tuahuru(Dwalin) 7/10/19 Litter of nine = 1 Gilt and 8 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Jenny(Lulu) X Mahia Love(Dain) 6/22/19 Litter of seven = 5 Gilts and 2 Boars Six of them have double wattles.
Rona(Vidia) X Mahia Love(Dain) 6/21/19 Litter of six piglets = 3 Gilts and 3 Boars Four of them have double wattles and one has a single wattle
Trish(Tiki) X Tuahuru(Dwalin) 6/20/19 Litter of three piglets = 3 Boars All of them are double wattled.
Rona(Kumquat) X Whakanui(Spratt) 4/3/19 Litter of nine piglets = 4 Gilts and 5 Boars Six of them have double wattles.
Tarutaru(Ollie) X Whakanui(Spratt) 4/2/19 Litter of four piglets = 1 Gilt and 3 Boars All of them are double wattled.
Aria Giana(Ivy) X Whakanui(Spratt) 4/1/19 Litter of six piglets = 3 Gilts and 3 Boars All of them are double wattled.
Wilsons Gina(Smokies) X Mahia Love(Dain) 3/21/19 Litter of five piglets = 2 Gilts and 3 Boars Four of them have double wattles.
Haunene(Thistle) X Whakanui(Spratt) 2/11/19 Litter of six piglets = 2 Gilts and 4 Boars Five of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Nani) X Tuahuru(Dwalin) 1/20/19 Litter of five piglets = 5 Boars All of them are double wattled.
Jenny(Rocky) X Tuahuru(Dwalin) 1/16/19 Litter of four piglets = 3 Gilts and 1 Boar All of them are double wattled.
Tapeka(Kiwi) X Tuahuru(Dwalin) 8/21/18 Litter of two piglets = 2 Gilts One of them has double wattles.
Tarutaru(Ollie) X Whakanui(Spratt) 8/9/18 Litter of eight piglets = 6 Gilts and 2 Boars Four of them have double wattles.
Keropa(Pika) X Tuahuru(Dwalin) 7/5/18 Litter of six piglets = 3 Gilts and 3 Boars Five of them have double wattles.
Aria Giana(Ivy) X Whakanui(Spratt) 6/28/18 Litter of eight piglets = 7 Gilts and 1 Boar Seven of them have double wattles.
Rona(Kumquat) X Whakanui(Spratt) 6/26/18 Litter of six piglets = 3 Gilts and 3 Boars (1 boar and 1 gilt had been doa) All of them are double wattled.
Wilsons Gina(Smokies) X Mahia Love(Dain) 5/25/2018 Litter of seven piglets = 5 Gilts and 2 Boars Four of them have double wattles.
Jenny(Lulu) X Mahia Love(Dain) 4/25/2018 Litter of eleven piglets = 7 Gilts and 4 Boars Seven of them have double wattles.
Rona(Vidia) X Whakanui(Spratt) 3/3/18 Litter of seven piglets = 4 Gilts and 3 Boars Six of them have double wattles and one has a single wattle.
Haunene(Thistle) X Whakanui(Spratt) 2/23/18 Litter of nine piglets = 2 Gilts and 7 Boars Eight of them have double wattles.
Haunene(Thistle) X Whakanui(Spratt) 5/8/17 Litter of two piglets = 2 Boars They are both double wattled.
Keropa(Pika) X Whakanui(Spratt) 5/3/17 Litter of five piglets = 3 Gilts and 2 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Nani) X Tuahuru(Dwalin) 3/5/17 Litter of seven piglets = 2 Gilts and 5 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Jenny(LuLu) X Tuahuru(Dwalin) 2/28/17 Litter of three piglets = 3 Gilts All three have double wattles.
Rona(Vidia) X Mahia Love(Dain) 2/12/17 Litter of six piglets = 3 Gilts and 3 Boars Four have double wattles.
Tapeka(Kiwi) X Tuahuru(Dwalin) 2/10/2017 Litter of eight piglets = 4 Gilts and 4 Boars All but one piglet is double wattle.
Trish(Tiki) X Tuahuru(Dwalin) 2/8/2017 Litter of five piglets = 3 Gilts and 2 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Wilsons Gina(Nani) X Mahia Love(Dain) 8/15/2016 Litter of six piglets = 2 Gilts and 4 Boars Two of them are double wattled.
Aria Giana(Aulani) X Tuahuru(Dwalin) 5/3/2016 Litter of nine piglets = 3 Gilts and 6 Boars All of them have double wattles.
Tapeka(Kiwi) X Tuahuru(Dwalin) 4/25/16 Litter of three Piglets = 1 Gilt and 2 Boars All three are double wattled.
Jenny(LuLu) X Mahia Love(Dain) 3/18/16 Litter of seven Piglets = 4 Gilts and 3 Boars All but one gilt is double wattled.
Wilsons Gina(Nani) X Tuahuru(Dwalin) 1/4/16 Litter of Eight Piglets = 5 Gilts and 3 Boars They are all double wattled and they are all ginger/blacks.